Public Health Emergency Unwinding Member FAQ

When will I know if I will be able to keep my state health coverage?

Most state Medicaid offices are reviewing continued eligibility during the regular redetermination process. If your health coverage redetermination date is September, your state will start the process of determining if you are still eligible for continued coverage in August. If you are still eligible, your coverage will continue for another year. If you are no longer eligible, your coverage will close at the end of your redetermination month.


Will I have to start paying for my state health coverage right away?

States must send out notification of any return to cost sharing in advance. You will be notified by mail when you will be required to pay any copayments or premiums.


What if I am no longer eligible for my state health coverage?

For those who are no longer eligible for state health coverage, Special Enrollment Periods (SEP) will be available for employer-based coverage, Marketplace coverage and Medicare. If your employer offers Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC), you generally will have 60 days from when you lose your coverage to sign up for your employer’s health insurance plan. 

Marketplace coverage has an Unwinding Special Enrollment Period in place. Anyone losing state Medicaid coverage will be able to enroll in a Marketplace plan through July 31, 2024, if they qualify.

Those who qualify for Medicare will also have a SEP if they lose state health coverage and qualify for Medicare. 


Who can I reach out to if I have questions?

Your ClaimAid advocate has the most current information available and is prepared to assist you with any issue you may have.